cait +tiff

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C/ Small Beginnings

pace creative

Hi there. So Tiff and I had a conversation a few weeks ago about ways we want to change the blog, really get back to it this year, and make it an online space that is more representative of where we are in our lives. We talked about aesthetic changes, posting schedule and how we are going to really dive into the whole “new year, new you” thing. She did a great job, posted something cool on schedule, and I sort of didn’t. Not sort of, I just didn’t.

I’m not technically too busy, but my brain has been in other places for the past few months. There are some things happening, and I figure now is as good a time as ever to talk about it. (This is sounding very dramatic, everything is fine.)

I have started a company. It’s called Decker, it’s a clothing line for women, with an emphasis on sustainable materials, ethical production, and making ladies feel damn sexy. I am in the beginning bits right now, but I am working with a factory in LA to make the patterns, the samples and, eventually, the whole line. The fabrics are coming from all over. It’s a process that I am learning a lot from, and I have a notebook with me constantly so I don’t forget everything. It’s exciting, and mostly fun, but there are a lot of days when I need to sit on the porch and Claire Danes cry.

I get nervous about sharing this stuff, because I am impatient with my own progress, and if you are into curated content that might be useful for your daily life, probably just read Tiff’s stuff. I will be writing a lot about the process, about all the weirdness and insecurities that come along with starting a company alone (lucky you), and probably about self care a LOT. I am still in classes to learn how to be less of an asshole to myself, so I will throw in some “how to pretend you are chill” things along the way.

If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask. I am not sharing the designs yet, I don’t have a website, I need to figure out 39,283,935 more things, so I might not have the answer to your questions, but go ahead and ask.

Hope you are having a great week, stay tuned for oversharing.

xx cait

Header image by Pace Creative, via DesignLoveFest

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C/ Acts of Matter


Hi, this is the first installment of “the things you can donate a little bit of money to, but it will go a long way.” It’s not an especially catchy tag line, but these organizations are worth a look.

The first one I love is Acts of Matter. This dance company, founded by my dear friend and true badass, Rebecca Lemme, is all about dealing with social issues through dance and expression. She has run the company for a few years, and has put together some of the most beautiful, heart breaking, and emotional work I have ever seen.

Her words are as powerful as her work:

“Founded in 2014, Acts of Matter is a project-based performance group with a mission of revealing and reveling in our greater humanity through investment in process and collaboration. The work of the company is grounded in an unfettered willingness to attempt something while accepting the possibility of its failure. This physical exertion—this act of trying—is the core of humanity in the work. As a choreographer, Artistic Director Rebecca Lemme is inspired by the ability of movement to move people—to stir in them something innately human: the need to find connection. Acts of Matter hinges on the belief that as a society we are defined by what unites us—by what makes us similar, not what makes us different. Drawn from immensely personal inspiration, the work creates a window in which others can see their own experience reflected. It suggests that at the core of every private struggle or individual joy is something universal.”

Watching her work has gotten me excited about dance again, something that I have truly missed. If you are into arts, know how much funding they are losing every year, and want to help out a company that does seriously wonderful work, please consider donating to the Kickstarter. It closes in a few days, so get on it. Also, the video on the fundraising page is the prettiest.

Happy Caring-about-other-people Tuesday!

xx cait

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C/ It Doesn’t Have to be Tuesday for You to Give a Shit

give a shit

Good morning. Hey, hi. It’s been a little while. I have taken a break from the blog because everything I was writing was angry, frustrated, and had a distinct “burn it all to the ground” vibe. My brain has been toggling between deep sadness over the constant news of sexual predators EVERYWHERE, disgust with our predator-president (Presitor? Predident?), and building a business. It’s a tornado of angry colors swatches inside my brain.

Anyway, I am not talking about that garbage, I am surprisingly optimistic today, probably because I haven’t read the news yet, and I want to share a few things.

Giving Tuesday was this week, which is a real thing where people donate to a cause they care about or throw $30 at something a friend from high school posted on Facebook. A lot of very deserving organizations push for fundraising this time of year, but it feels SUPER overwhelming to receive all those emails asking for money when you are trying to figure out how the hell you are going to afford buying presents for the holidays.

My long-winded solution is this special little secret: IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE TUESDAY FOR YOU TO GIVE A SHIT. Sorry for yelling, but this is how I feel about it. The thought of caring about the less fortunate one day a year is pretty gross to me, so this week I am sharing information on a few organizations that I know very closely that I know need support. I trust the people in charge, know about the tight budgets they work on, and know where the money goes. If you have any questions about them, let me know and I will find the answer for you.

More soon.



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C/ Love Letters


Hi guys. It’s been a minute since posting, Tiff is traveling and I am lazy. It’s been over 100 in LA all week and I am realizing that a lot of my Cambodia-based grumpiness was due to heat, and how much I dislike sweating. I have been off all week, and trying to kick this funk.

To be fair, it might not just be global warming that has my panties in a twist. It’s rough out there, and it has been for a while. The fatigue of dealing with entitled garbage monsters is real, and it has certainly taken a toll on me. I know I am not the only one.

When the first thing we read ever damn day is “gross white dude with lots of power does gross things to tons of women and gets away with it for a long time and sometimes forever” it’s difficult to muster the strength to get up and fight it. I have friends who have been feeling sad, tired, numb, scared, and just over all this shit. The messages impact how we feel about ourselves, and when we hear it every day, it stats feeling normal.

I am finding solace in little acts recently, and one of the things that seems to help is taking time to love on my lady friends. I have been writing notes to some of the best women in my life, reminding them that they are powerful, interesting, smart, wonderful people. It’s not exactly world-saving, but adding a little bit of positive feedback to rise above the noise of the hateful garbage we hear everyday is helpful to me and to these incredible women. They feel some love, and I am reminded of how lucky I am to have such special people in my life.

I recommend doing this, and putting a few more kind things into the world that we started with today.

Have fun this weekend, try not to dress up as a “sexy-something racist.”

xx cait


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Photo Credit: Kosten

Tiff is in flight! Cait is on the couch, sort of the same thing. It dipped below 70 in LA, and Cait is trying to jump into pikes of leaves (that aren’t there yet) and find everything “cozy.” She event went to a Hygge party, and what could possibly be better than that. With upcoming travel to Chicago, she will soon remember that not-sweating doesn’t mean it’s cold, but for now, let’s let her enjoy it.

Really digging these little graphics pushing positive vibes for Australia’s marriage equality vote!

Starting classes here, and can’t wait for Twerkshop.

Cold weather, beautiful landscapes, and maybe some gorgeous night lights please.

Christian Bale as Dick Cheney? I don’t understand what’s happening.

Basically what happens when I travel from Southeast Asia to the PNW in October.

This is the sweetest thing. Also great inspiration.

Really want to be in THIS book club.

Yay! More love for being comfortable.

This bag just arrived literally hours before my trip.  Cannot wait to get it dirty.

I’m so annoyed I am not French.


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C/ New Music (to me)


Hi team, I am here to talk about new music, because most other topics right now are so triggering that I just want to stare at photos of this hedgehog all day and pray for sleep.

So, new music. I know, I am not the one that you guys usually go to for music. Tiff is younger, and cooler, and we all know that, and it’s FINE, but I have something to share. I mentioned about 4000 times that I went to a Solange concert a few weeks ago. Solange is amazing, but you already knew that. What you might not know about, is how cool her friends are.

I am here to talk about the crew that came with her, the supporting acts that blew my damn MIND and have changed my world the last few weeks.

  1. Blood Orange


3. Kelela

I hope you like this stuff, it has made the last few weeks better for me.

xx cait

Image via AXS


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T / happy monday / lush life

Photo Credit: Emily Lush

I met Emily Lush, the super cool Aussie behind the gorgeous namesake travel site Wander-Lush, long after I first noticed her.  It was at Tonle’s Fashion Revolution event in Phnom Penh.  And she was in this amazingly simple yet hyper on the cool dress. So when she wanted to meet up, it was an absolute yes.

That was a couple of years ago.  When Emily was working among all the denizens of the development sector and spearheading Cambodia’s own Fashion Revolution chapter. But she knew her true calling was behind the camera, crafting stories about artisans and ethical fashion, and traveling the world.  She left for the Caucasus region last year and I’ve been following her ever since.  Her Instagram account is gorgeous.  But the must-visit is Wander-Lush, where she is charting her travel story and sharing everything.  And if I was a better planner, this would be an actual interview and I’d have her entire story for you.  You’ll have to settle for a YouTube video for now.

She just posted her first video and I just had to share.  Emily’s currently hunkered down in Vietnam and eating the most delicious sweets, sours and bitters and shooting the most beautiful things that you can check out from your very own screen.  She’s basically being adventurous for all of us.  And I can’t wait to see more!

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Tiff is getting ready for her trip out West, and Cait is trying to find a way see her. Cait feels like she deserves a helicopter on call for free, but no one seems to be buying it. For both of us, it’s the silence before the storm right now. It’s about to get REAL BUSY UP IN HERE, and while that’s exciting, and visitors are awesome, we are packing our emotional go-bags and stocking up on water. I don’t totally know what that means, but you’ll be fine.

Check out Jane Fonda and Helen Mirren killing it at PFW.

I saw this lady in concert last week and she blew my damn mind. Listen.

I still cannot get over how dapper our new party leader in Canada is.

I am really, sincerely happy for her. And jealous.

Really want to work here.  (And congrats to Katie on her first exhibition!)


I really do think those “influencers” need to get on the politicking.

Finding all kinds of inspiration in this art.

I’m doing the same thing. Except it doesn’t really include anything designer.

Ok, this came out. I had hear it was coming out, it’s a big fucking deal, and it’s certainly not a surprise after living in LA for 20 minutes. I have opinions on a lot of it, but I keep coming back to the woman that wrote the memo, that didn’t ask for her life to be set on fire right now, and couldn’t comment in the piece, due to legal restrictions in her settlement. Sending her love, and sending love to all the women that don’t feel like they can come forward.

Photo via A Well Traveled Woman

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C / Full of Surprises


We are currently living in a world where Bethenny Frankel is doing visibly more to support the relief efforts in Puerto Rico, than 45 is. A reality star, known for her Skinnygirl product line, and for trashing Ramona, like, hard on Real Housewives of New York City, (it’s fine, Ramona deserves it, she’s honestly batshit crazy), wasn’t the person I would have expected to step up and charter 4 planes full of supplies to bring to Puerto Rico. But I love surprises, and this is impressive to me.

I think people get stuck in the stages of HOW to help when it comes to something like this, and there is contradictory information on who is doing the best work, and where the money is going. Fatigue is reasonable, because it feels like there is constantly something horrible to help out with, honestly because there is. Feel that, for like an hour, and then do something. The most productive thing you can do, if you can’t dedicate your time to the effort, is donate money. Here is a good list.

Call your local government and remind them that climate change is a real thing and that someone with a legitimate scientific background should probably be in charge of the EPA.


I started writing this piece over the weekend, before the shootings in Las Vegas. I don’t have any unique thoughts about it, only that it’s insane that this is still happening, and the current administration is refusing to do anything about gun control, or even talk about it. While you are on the phone with your representative to talk about the EPA, also let them know how you feel about gun control. Learn about Everytown, donate if you can. This isn’t something that is out of our control. No more guns. No more guns. No more guns.

Trevor Noah said it well yesterday,

“I can’t give you thoughts and prayers. I can only say that I am sorry that we live in a world where there are people who will put a gun before your lives.

Please be extra kind, extra gentle, extra welcoming, and extra understanding of the humans around you. Connection and empathy are desperately important always, and damn near vital right now.
